Help With Injury Identification

How is your hen doing this morning? I am concerned that this could be Mareks you're dealing with. I've had better success with getting water into sick chickens by using an eye dropper and dribbling it into the corner of their beak a drop or 2 at a time. Cooked, scrambled egg with the shell mashed up into it would be a good food source for a day or so to get something into her to begin a recovery. Also, adding a vitamin supplement to her water may help if it's a nutritional deficiency.
She is doing better. I have been able to get her to eat and drink, though she still won't eat much. We have been putting her in a sling a bit each day and her legs seem to be getting better. She stands up better and is able to move herself much more, but walking is still a struggle for her. Thank you for your concern.
Also, she seems to like how water feels. I have found her a couple times with her body pressed against her water. One time she had even been sitting in it (we used a pan to make it was easy for her to drink). Maybe it makes her feel better?

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