Help with Mareks


May 6, 2019
I have had a few of my hens die from Marek's my question is will my entire flock die or are some immune I have bought my chicken fro different places andhatched some. Will they all eventually catch it or are some immune even if they are not vaccinated? Is there a specific place that I could buy the vaccine? One of my new chickens this time
Have you ever had a chicken necropsy done by your state vet to diagnose Mareks for sure? All chickens when their is Mareks in a flock will test positive for the disease. Not all will necessarily get sick, but they will all be carriers, and should not be rehomed. Very sorry that you have this going on. Here are some good articles with a lot of information:
Have you ever had a chicken necropsy done by your state vet to diagnose Mareks for sure? All chickens when their is Mareks in a flock will test positive for the disease. Not all will necessarily get sick, but they will all be carriers, and should not be rehomed. Very sorry that you have this going on. Here are some good articles with a lot of information:
Yes I had three tested and yes they had it

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