
5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
Hi im maddie i am in 4-h and have just recently got chicks! This is what i know they are bantams and they are straight run, only a couple days old. i tried wing sexing them and it looks like only one out of six its a cock! i am happy about this for i can only keep hens.
please help me with their colors and breeds! i would love to know what you think also if you can tell anything else about them just let me know thanks! and here are their pictures
Chick #1 this on i believe is a pullet

Chick #2 i know this one is a silkie. and i believe a pullet

Chick #3 this one i think is a mottled cock

Chick #4 a pullet mottle??

Chick #5 laced pullet?

Chick #6 i think a laced pullet

Once again let me know what you think! thanks!!
Chick 1- Porcelain d'Uccle
Chick 2- Buff Silkie
Chick 3- Light Brahma, or possibly a Columbian Cochin
Chick 4- I'm leaning towards Black Sumatra, but the white feathers are tipping me off. Thou sometimes black chicks will have a few white feathers. Other possibilities could be Mottled Anconas or Echequer Leghorns, but I don't think it's likely.
Chick 5- Mille Fleur d'Uccle
Chick 6- Mille Fleur d'Uccle or Buff Brahma. Does she/he have muffs?

Cute chicks! It's also too young to determine the sex of your chicks, so post back they are a few months older. :)
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Below are my guesses. For all of them, it is too young to sex by appearance, and even feather sexing probably is unreliable. Feather sexing only works on certain breeds, and at certain ages. Still, you could very well be right about the gender, and, luckily, have only one cockerel.
Good luck with them!
Hi im maddie i am in 4-h and have just recently got chicks! This is what i know they are bantams and they are straight run, only a couple days old. i tried wing sexing them and it looks like only one out of six its a cock! i am happy about this for i can only keep hens.
please help me with their colors and breeds! i would love to know what you think also if you can tell anything else about them just let me know thanks! and here are their pictures
Chick #1 this on i believe is a pullet

Too young to tell gender, and I'm not sure of color either. As for breed, it is a Porcelain Belgian Bearded D'Uccle. Very cute!

Chick #2 i know this one is a silkie. and i believe a pullet

Probably a Buff Silkie. Way too young to tell gender, though; most chickens are unsexable until they're 6-8 weeks old, and Silkies can often take even longer than that to become obvious.

Chick #3 this one i think is a mottled cock

Too young to tell gender. Looks like a Light Brahma to me.

Chick #4 a pullet mottle??

Too young to tell gender, and I don't know the breed. Will probably be mottled in color when it matures, though.

Chick #5 laced pullet?

Mille Fleur Belgian Bearded D'Uccle.

Chick #6 i think a laced pullet

Mille Fleur Belgian Bearded D'Uccle.

Once again let me know what you think! thanks!!
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