Help with nervous, high strung rooster


Bantam Queen
8 Years
Apr 28, 2016
New York
I have an Easter Egger rooster who just turned 1 in June. He's a really good boy - friendly, watchful, etc. But recently, someone else near us got a rooster, which we can hear from our property. Now my rooster is always nervous, reacts with every sound, crows constantly. My poor guy is going crazy, and I don't know how to help him. Any ideas?
When we had a neighbor 1/3 mile away with a rooster for the first time, our boys held crowing contests with him daily! Stereophonic crowing! It was cute, really. No idea if the neighbor thought it was funny though...
As long as they are far enough apart, so no visiting, things will be okay.

Yeah, they can't get to each other, and they can't see each other.
My neighbors, unfortunately have already complained about his crowing, so this extra crowing is really not helping.
Is there absolutely nothing I can do for him, to calm him down?
If roosters are legal where you live, the neighbors will have to learn to love the crowing; sounds of country living!
Have you tried talking to the folks who have the new rooster? Maybe he'll be temporary?!

Yes, roosters are legal here.
Honestly, I don't even know where the rooster is, or who he belongs too. I just hear him. 😂 I could probably look around to find out though. I think he's on a side road that I never use.

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