Help with polish sex

From what I've read the polish pullets crown is more of a ball, while the cockerels will spread out and get pointy ends. I personally only have 1 polish, and it turned out to be a rooster. He started out with a ball shaped crown, but then it slowly spread out and he grew wattles. So with polish chickens its kind of hard to sex them.

By the looks of your two chicks here, I would say they are cockerels. But I'd get other people's opinions as well. Because mine could end up being wrong.
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From what I've read the polish pullets crown is more of a ball, while the cockerels will spread out and get pointy ends. I personally only have 1 polish, and it turned out to be a rooster. He started out with a ball shaped crown, but then it slowly spread out and he grew wattles. So with polish chickens its kind of hard to sex them.

By the looks of your two chicks here, I would say they are cockerels. But I'd get other people's opinions as well. Because mine could end up being wrong.

ball or mushroom its the same thing

and if you say yours started as ball and spread then OP are already spread so I say cockerel

sont worry i'll be posting in a few weeks got myself a polish chick LOL
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They both look like cockerels. Except I get fooled by my Polish chicks a lot, so I'm not positive they are cockerels. Can you get a close up of the comb on each one?
black is a roo

the white possible pullet

if the crest don't stick out the back then pullet

it should come down and round

like a mushroom top

plus that comb looks nice and pink saying its pullet to me

porcupine style is a roo
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