Help with Quail eggs

Well we lost 2- they were feeling puny and I tried giving a drop of nutridrench a few times a day but they were just not going to make it. Still 15 doing well!
Aww I’m sorry 😞 :hugs. It’s okay, sometimes chicks are just really finicky and it’s really hard to help them once they have an issue. Glad to hear the others are doing well though!
Thank you. I read that mortality in the wild can be 80 - 90 percent so I don't feel too bad lol.
Yes not many survive in the wild. I know its tough to lose a baby bird, but sometimes they just aren't fit to survive. Also, I'm sure you know this but, when you give them nutri drench, put the drop on one finger and hold them with your other hand up to the finger with the nutri drench, this allows them to actually drink it instead of just putting it on their beaks and it slipping off. I hope you have great success with the rest of your birds

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