Help with sick turkey


7 Years
Oct 6, 2012
I have a mixed flock with chickens ducks and one turkey. I got the year old turkey about a month ago. Her poops have been soft and smelly but she's otherwise been normal. Last week i treated the whole flock with safeguard pour on. The last 2 days she's not been acting normal. Very listless and not interested in food. Yesterday she had bright green runny poops and today she's got yellow poo. It looks like scrambled eggs. She hasn't left the coop. She layed an egg yesterday. I suspect blackhead but I'm not sure what to do. Please help
I seperated her from everyone else and gave her some corid. I had to order some metronidazole from amazon. I noticed that she seems to be havinh trouble breathing so now i wonder about an upper respiratory issue.

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