Help with Unscrupulous Seller

$7 isn't much for 15week old pullets at least not in my area and 1/3 isn't bad most people would be able to tell a roo from pullet at 15 weeks. I agree that isn't not their fault sexing mistakes happen all the time and I wouldn't take back the roosters either who wants 10 extra roosters and trading them in for hens.
Some of you guys don't understand.
What happened was, we only asked if us keeping the boys would be possibly, maybe okay with her. Since she already had two fridges with many dead roosters. We didn't demand it or anything of the sort, we only asked if she would mind. What she responded with wasn't "No, I want the roosters", it was "No, I never said I would ever exchange anything with you, ever". basically meaning: tough titties you got roosters instead of hens. Even though when they were purchased and when I talked to her on facebook, she said she'd exchange them, but when called, she refused ever having any of those conversations.

The main thing that upset me is that she's pretty much lying about this. Like I said before, if she told me she couldn't afford to do it I'd understand. It's tough times for a lotta people, but ignoring any correspondence and being rude on the phone to us isn't very nice nor is it good business.

Though, I'm sure there are good people on Craigslist and nice farmers, like I said, I really think I'll just go with hatcheries from now on. Even asking for advice is more confrontation than I can handle (I suffer from rather severe social anxiety and tending the chickens and bonding with them usually calms me down, I've always found it cathartic).

I also edited my first post with this clarification just, to avoid further misunderstanding.
$7 isn't much for 15week old pullets at least not in my area and 1/3 isn't bad most people would be able to tell a roo from pullet at 15 weeks. I agree that isn't not their fault sexing mistakes happen all the time and I wouldn't take back the roosters either who wants 10 extra roosters and trading them in for hens.

My point is that if you don't know if they are pullets or not sell them as straight run. If I tell someone "yes she is a hen" and a month later she starts crowing I am at fault. If I say "well, I'm not sure yet" then it's on the buyer whether or not they want to mess with it. Some folks buy sexed pullets from a hatchery, raise them a while and sell them as hens/pullets. That's what I thought this guy was doing. A friend said "he saw you coming". The woman with the chicks as far as I'm concerned knew they were all roos, she told me she bought them in "bulk" from a hatchery but that they were straight run. What are the chances of not one hen out of 15 straight run chicks? I believe they were extra roos sold as a "fry pan special" and she bought them and sold them on craigslist as straight run to make a few bucks.
That is a lot different story than you originally told. Your first version did sound like your deal was to exchange the roos. When you asked if you could keep them and also get the hens, it would have been obvious why the seller wouldn't deal with you.

I guess all you can do is cut your losses and go somewhere else.
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It has happened to me a few times, both from Ideal and Murray McMurray. That is a chance you take buying St. Run chicks. I no longer order from hatcheries but, after those incidences I always ordered sexed females.

I agree, cut your losses and move on. I would place my own order from a hatchery and sell off the extra chicks when they arrive. Order all pullets but sell them as St. Run so if a roo does happen to pop up in the bunch it is not your problem.
It has happened to me a few times, both from Ideal and Murray McMurray. That is a chance you take buying St. Run chicks. I no longer order from hatcheries but, after those incidences I always ordered sexed females.

I agree, cut your losses and move on. I would place my own order from a hatchery and sell off the extra chicks when they arrive. Order all pullets but sell them as St. Run so if a roo does happen to pop up in the bunch it is not your problem.

very good advice......
What time frame are we talking here? If it has been a few weeks, then I agree that she's doing something wrong. If the animals are over 6 months old, then I think you have waited too long and its time to find some girls elsewhere.
$7 isn't much for 15week old pullets at least not in my area and 1/3 isn't bad most people would be able to tell a roo from pullet at 15 weeks. I agree that isn't not their fault sexing mistakes happen all the time and I wouldn't take back the roosters either who wants 10 extra roosters and trading them in for hens.

that's about dead on with pricing! I sell mine for $ got a deal!! I sell my roo's for $10 bucks and unload them quickly at swaps. I agree........sexing from people who are not vent sexing at day old....well it's iffy! You need to be informed on knowing what you got more so than the seller!!!

OP......sell the roo's on craigslist! Take the money and get sexed day old chicks from a hatchery or buy laying hens. It's the only way~ And people eat chickens.............mostly roo's
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