Help with what breed and gender


11 Years
Apr 18, 2012
I've got 5 chicks. 1 Naked Neck, 2 Silkies, and 1 Black Jersey Giant, an I'm not sure what the other chick is. Also not sure what the genders are, I am most positive the Naked Neck is a Roo
I got the silkies a bit before I got the others they were about 3 to 4 weeks, around September 28th.
And got the others October 3rd.

Chick 1

Chick 2

Chick 3

Chick 4

Chick 5

the first one looks to be a production red and a hen. and the second looks to be a black jersey giant and a hen too.
the white silkie looks to be a rooster and the turken looks to be a rooster.
I think your naked neck is a hen because NN roos get massive (and I mean massive) combs at a very early age. Girls get them fast as well, but not 'massive' like boys.
One of my many very obvious roos. .This one was 3 weeks in the picture.
Again @ 4 weeks
6 weeks
10 weeks (behind barred rock rooster)

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