

In the Brooder
Dec 16, 2015
My australorp bantam hen has been sitting on eggs and its day 22 and there's no sign of babies .. :'( previous two times,alll eggs were hatched before 20 days..though none of the chicks survived more than a month..
what should i do now? Let her sit? She's growing week :'( Is it because of the cold weather? Please help!
My australorp bantam hen has been sitting on eggs and its day 22 and there's no sign of babies .. :'( previous two times,alll eggs were hatched before 20 days..though none of the chicks survived more than a month..
what should i do now? Let her sit? She's growing week :'( Is it because of the cold weather? Please help!
Welcome to BYC @Roohi21 have you looked at the eggs and looked for external pips or little X type cracks in the eggs like this...... or tapped on them to listen for peeps? or sniffed them to see if they stink?


IF not I would CANDLE her eggs at this point... do you have a cell phone with a light ap? or a bright flashlight you can cup the light part in the palm of your hand and put the fat end of the egg to and look inside the FAT end of each egg and see if there is any movement inside the eggs? if there is leave them under her

I will give you some links on candling just in case you need them... HOW TO CANDLE EGGS

This is an image of an internal pip of a chick.... and means they will be externally pipping and coming out soon....

IF you did all the above and still cant see life or hear anything you can do a float test on the EGGS, just please be sure you read and UNDERSTAND this before you start the test Float Testing, Checking Egg Viability For Late Or Overdue Hatching

If you have questions we usually can be found here pretty quick . just jump in the forum and start posting and asking what you need anytime anyone welcome! INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! come hatch, learn, Chat, Meet new Friends!

Good luck and I pray they are babies just waiting to come out

you can always offer her feed and water just a short distance from the nest as well. and be sure to care for her well either way of this outcome, but I am sure you know that!
Thanks so much! I checked them all....just one is a goner,all 11 have babies... Now i guess I just gotta wait....though,can u tell me if its a normal case for eggs to hatch late?
Thanks so much! I checked them all....just one is a goner,all 11 have babies... Now i guess I just gotta wait....though,can u tell me if its a normal case for eggs to hatch late?

sure is! give her a few days, did you offer her some food stuffs? give her some extra feed mix in some tuna or somethin see if she will take a bite or two, try some electrolytes in her water give her a boost. let her on the nest now. Good luck... like I said you know where to find me if you need anything else.
She only eats what i eat :3 rice,tomatoes,coriander,yoghurt,soup....just name it :3 and what r electrolytes? :hmm
its to give chickens and chicks a boost.... same as us humans....this is for chicks but works with a hen as well......

this is from the info I put together all this stuff is here

Ok look sense you know that you will have babies you can keep her on them just be sure to bring her to fresh food and water twice a day and always check for little babies

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