

6 Years
Aug 13, 2013
central new york
my turkey has two big cuts on her hips and i dont want them to get infected! What should i buy or do to help her? And please dont say a vet because there are no livestock.vets around my area and also my mother wont allow it....

Could i dab the wounds with betadine?
Should she not be outside? (the reason i put her outside is because it get very hot insode her coop)

**my turkey hen is with another male**
Could he have tried ti mate her? And hurt her instead?

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!
Separate them as soon as you can.Then if there bleeding put flour on it.Then keep it clean and trim any feather near it.I suggest feeding her high-quality cat food,some don't agree with my methods but it will help.Please let me know how it goes(you have even got me worried,lol).I hope it helps.:)
Separate them as soon as you can.Then if there bleeding put flour on it.Then keep it clean and trim any feather near it.I suggest feeding her high-quality cat food,some don't agree with my methods but it will help.Please let me know how it goes(you have even got me worried,lol).I hope it helps.:)

she isnt bleeding but her muscle on both sides is exposed. what brand of cat food do you use? And shes not bleeding. do you thjnk the betadine what hurt her?
I don't know about the betadine,turkey's can have serious reactions to medicine.I use any 9 Lives.Can you post pics,it might help me determine what will help.
I know what you mean when you say there is no lifestock vets around.I mostly use old remedies & wives tales when it comes to healing anything.

this is the worst side the other side is about 1/4 of this side. my boyfriend who was working on the new chicken coop (which is right beside their pen) said that the male was trying to mate her a lot.
Ok,she is being over mated.If you can move her to a pen that's on grass and where she won't be harmed.As it stands,I am mostly worried about insects laying larva in the wound.Keep it clean.What does her diet consist of?

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