
Jun 28, 2015
My hen is about two years old and i let the flock out this morning and i noticed her comb has been pecked partially off and she is bleeding a lot. She is eating and everything i dont know what to do. I have read that i should cut it but i dont feel comfortable doing that. Can someone give advice on what to do !!!! Please!!!
Do you have a rooster? Roosters grab the hens combs to breed with them and can tear them. Keep the comb clean and put some antibiotics ointment on it to help it heal up. Their combs heal pretty well, so if you don't want to cut it off you could try this. If the tear is really bad then you should try cutting it off and then stop the bleeding. It hurts the hen, but it will prevent her from tearing it again.

Best of luck!
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You shouldn't cut the comb unless she has black, frostbitten tips. For now, isolate her because the blood will only encourage more pecking. Once it stops bleeding, put some vaseline or coconut oil on the area and put her back with the flock.
Poor girl. If you think this is rooster damage please do keep her away from him. If you think the other hens(?) are pecking at her - be sure to keep her separate from them until she is healed up. Also don't leave her out where flies can get to her. The resulting maggots will make the wound much worse than how it started.

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