"Helpers" Anonymous-Chat Thread

I'm fine thanks, if you don't count having to deal with DH's man cold. Hopefully he'll sleep the day away.

Oh my, the dreaded man cold. Isn't if funny how the man cold is always SO much worse than the woman cold?

Yeah, they are allowed to actually feel sick. I'll go along doing what I have to do and not stop once he passes this bug along to me.
Tell me! I have a massive headache this morning and what does my loving spouse do? Hand me 2 Aleve and a glass of water and say, "WE need to do this, this and this..." I ALMOST
him, but refrained for fear it would hurt my head.
So gar so good. How are you Gritty?

I'm fine thanks, if you don't count having to deal with DH's man cold. Hopefully he'll sleep the day away.

If he sleeps the day away, he'll keep you up all night whining lol
I'm fine thanks, if you don't count having to deal with DH's man cold. Hopefully he'll sleep the day away.

If he sleeps the day away, he'll keep you up all night whining lol

And that would be different how???
If he sleeps the day away, he'll keep you up all night whining lol

And that would be different how???

Sad, but true, and I'm not just talking about your DH, Kat.
I went you and checked on my ducks a few minutes ago and found 3 eggs! My girls have finally started to lay, bless their little hearts!
And that would be different how???

Sad, but true, and I'm not just talking about your DH, Kat.
I went you and checked on my ducks a few minutes ago and found 3 eggs! My girls have finally started to lay, bless their little hearts!

And that would be different how???

Sad, but true, and I'm not just talking about your DH, Kat.
I went you and checked on my ducks a few minutes ago and found 3 eggs! My girls have finally started to lay, bless their little hearts!

Oh yay! I sold my extra incubator today to a very nice lady and she wants to buy some of my maran eggs! My dads going make an area for a few hens for me... He said "screw the neighbors!" god I love my dad lol
Sad, but true, and I'm not just talking about your DH, Kat.
I went you and checked on my ducks a few minutes ago and found 3 eggs! My girls have finally started to lay, bless their little hearts!

Oh yay! I sold my extra incubator today to a very nice lady and she wants to buy some of my maran eggs! My dads going make an area for a few hens for me... He said "screw the neighbors!" god I love my dad lol

Your dad is a good guy.

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