"Helpers" Anonymous-Chat Thread

East your birthday is the same day my BCM and Sussex hatch!!! How awesome is that! i will name one after you in your honor!

Just went outside.... Its still sooo hot! I tossed some scratch as i always do at night turned on the garden sprinkler and booked it back inside telling my birds i'd be back in a bit! Of course my little butter hens were screaming at me but they have a pool to swim in to keep cool i dont!
Aw, thanks, ady. I appreciate that.
BooBoo duck was out terrorizing all of the big ducks a while ago. She is so cute and tiny and fierce!
I'm gone for a few hours and you guys are here tyring to get us banned, lol

I got a bunch done outside in between the rain showers. Crazy kids insisted on going in the pool even though it was in the low 70's. I said what ever
My broody splash silkie hatched out a baby last night but it didn't make it. It had the 1 small eye deformity and a missing eye deformity. She has another pipping. Both of the gray duckings are girls
I'm still not sure on the white. It's pretty loud but it's not a quack yet.
I would go on facebook but it will probably just lock up on me and my phone died so I had to plug it in
I think I'll just go eat some biscotti and drink my tea instead, lol
Yay for baby girls!

Justme-we've discussed the fact that you're not allowed to talk about your temperatures, haven't we? And rain on top of that?????
Dry and 100 degrees here today. That's great weather if you're a freakin' lizard of rattle snake!
what a wonderful idea! sounds so relaxing.
Man i am in tears right now... i just watch Dr. Drew ( i know i'm obsessed with the stupid case) and he had David Smith, susan smiths husband. Do you guys remember her? The one who strapped her two beautiful little boys in her car dumped them in the river and said a african american man did it? She was also having an affair and just wanted to go out and party it up. Its so sad.....

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