"Helpers" Anonymous-Chat Thread


Yay x2!
Maybe I should start leaving eggs in the nest box's and maybe they would all go broody! That would be kinda weird having a coop full of broodies and chicks...
On day 2 there wouldnt even be anything starting to develop
Have fun!
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I have six baby quail in the brooder. There is 4 more eggs in there to hatch. I dunno if they will or not. I candled and threw out the clears. Turns out that ALL the quail i hatched this year were hens except for 1. I have a lone rooster and I have more hens than he can cover. So these babies are supposed to be headed for freezer camp but some of them may get a reprieve if they are boys. Isnt that usually the other way around lol
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Ooohh, big news! When I was outside playing with the birds, one of my turkey babies fanned his tail or displayed or whatever you call it! I have a PAIR! DH did good picking them out!
Just wait, next year you might have little poults running around the yard!

I KNOW! It was so cute. He seems so tiny to be doing that. He's only about 3 weeks old???????

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