Helpppp - ratios


In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2024
Hi all, I am desperate for some advice!
As some of you may already know I am a new duck mammy this year (March). I currently have 5, what I thought were going to be runner ducks are now Kaki Campbells.
3 girls 2 drakes. My drakes are large and 1 of them is extremely forward and the other shy,timid and does no like human contact. All 5 hatched from the incubator and been around the family. (Touched, held, feed from the hand)They all have a large space to forage through the day and locked away at night!

My concern is, when the time comes. Will my girls be OK when the drakes become sexually active? Should I spilt them up? Do I need another coop for the drakes? Will the 2 drakes fight one another? Will the drakes hurt the 3 girls?

Any and all advice is helpful.

Thank you in advance
3 girls to 2 drakes can spell trouble for the girls young drakes are so over the top with hormones they most likely will be mating the girls continually plus they may gang up on them and work together it has happened here. To balance this out you should have at least 4 females to each drake and even at that they may chose one female to over mate. So we always have to keep a close eye once mating season begins. I have 2 drakes to 17 females and even with all their females they will gang up on my 2 old Muscovy females so I have to keep them separated from the rest of the flcok. You may end up having to separate the drakes if you notice feathers pulled and a sore on top of a females head. We just never know we just have to wait and see. But I'd be looking for some extra females for your boys or rehoming one of your drakes. I had to do that this year since last June my Muscovy hatched out 2 Runner drakes and I already had the dad. 3 Runner drakes was a tad too many, thankfully I was able to find him a home with his very own females.

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