Hen aloof and lethargic, barely eating - help


Oct 16, 2018
Lawrence, KS
Hello - One of our 3.5 year old buff orphington hens has recently started acting quite strange. A couple days ago, I noticed she didn't exit the coop when I opened the door to the run (usually she bursts out with the others to try to get morning bugs/worms first). That day she sat alone at the edge of the run and ignored all snacks offered. I didn't noticed anything else wrong during inspection. Comb, eyes, butt, weight all seem normal, although poop yellowish green and very runny.

It was a hot day and she looked like she was worsening, so I tubed some water + electrolyte into her throat in afternoon. She seemed to perk up from there, but still not eating. Next day she seemed to eat a little, but not interested in feed like other birds, instead lingering near edges of run. When I brought in some lettuce for a snack, she was slow to respond (relative to the other hens who went crazy), but eventually ate some. That evening I noticed that she had a poopy butt (green-brown poo). I cleaned it, soaked her with epson salts. Two days later, and poopy butt has not returned, and she seems to be eating a little more, but she remains aloof and lethargic, and her poo still pretty green and runny (see pic - taken this morning). The other hens are fine and are basically ignoring her.

I'm thinking it might be cancer or she simply nearing her time to expire, but maybe it's a parasite? Any advice that might help her out would be much appreciated!


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Thanks for the info! Would you recommend I worm rest of flock? None showing symptoms, but only 6 others, so wouldn't be too hard to do.
I had to order Valbazen online (none nearby), so I won't be able to administer for several days. I'm hopeful that she'll hang on until then. Today's poo was yellow and cheesy - yuck!
I had to order Valbazen online (none nearby), so I won't be able to administer for several days. I'm hopeful that she'll hang on until then. Today's poo was yellow and cheesy - yuck!

Did you notice any worms in her poop? I couldn't see any from the picture. My girl's poop is similar, and I think it could potentially be cancer. My hen is 6!
I haven't noticed worms in the poop, or any other invaders around her vent. I'll definitely post an update once she receives the medicine. Being a relative newbie, I haven't wormed them before, so I really hope that works.
I am also experiencing very similar symptoms in my chicken. In fact I have lost 2 chickens in the last 2 weeks of these symptoms and I noticed another one seemed off as of yesterday. I am anxious to hear any advice because I am concerned that it is something that is passing from chicken to chicken. 😢

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