hen attacking rooster


Sep 13, 2020
I have a good rooster, he is awesome. Good to the girls good to me.
Now the other day he didn't want to go in the run and I had to chase him around and catch him. Since then my head hen has been ruthless with him. Its only been 2 days since I had to catch him. They all grew up together, never had issues. I'm very confused, she is the only one attacking him. He has bruises and blood. he never fights back. Barely even tries to get away, only tries to protect his face by putting it to the ground.
What can I do to stop this? I don't want to have to rehome either of them.
I have included pictures of his injuries.
This post is from july 10th. She was seperated. He took control of the flock, after 2 weeks she was reintegrated into the flock over 1 week. She did great all was perfect until one day I came out to check on them and she was tearing him apart. he was a really good rooster. She is fine with the new rooster.

Yes she lays eggs, about every other to every 3rd day. She is a blue Jersey Giant. she is not / was not broody. He was the only bird she ever picked on.
We miss big red and in all honesty would have rather had him over her. Hens are easy to replace, a good rooster isn't always easy to come by. I should have given her away to keep him safe. She is a nice chicken now, I don't know what really happened between them.

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