Hen Broken tip of her beak off

See learn something new everyday....didnt realize my girls dont grow back because they are cautorized.

Seeing as I would never do that, guess I wouldnt know!

I think your girl will be just fine.
My hen is having a lot of trouble eating, she has nothing in her crop! I have mixed some yogurt with their gamebird food to make it easier for her to eat but she just pecks at it a then leaves it.

The quick is exposed, and I think this must be very painful for her. Is there anything I can do for her?
It will just have to get less sensitive over time. All you can do is be sure she doesn't have to actually peck anything hard, make a mash for her for a couple of days. Do not apply anything with benzocaine in it--that can be fatal to birds. The pain reliever in most triple antibiotics is paroxi-something and doesn't seem to have any adverse affects, but never use a "caine" pain reliever.
A picture might help tell how far it broke off. I had a rooster who broke the tip off of his upper beak and it did grow back. I had another one that cracked his beak at the nostrils and to my surprise it also healed.
How did you help heal it? I have a hen right now who broke the tip of her beak and it's bleeding a lot.

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