Hen cannot stand or pull legs under herself >24hrs

I'm glad things are getting better. Hopefully someone will answer the question about the medication. Unfortunately I can't. One difference between the US and UK is that you can buy medicine at farm stores whereas we can't get anything such as antibiotics unless from a vet. Whenever I go to the US I buy some of your triple antibiotic ointment because it's so useful for wounds but there's nothing like that here otherwise - antiseptic yes, antibiotic without vet, no.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that things keep getting better and that the rest of the flock are fine too.
I'm glad things are getting better. Hopefully someone will answer the question about the medication. Unfortunately I can't. One difference between the US and UK is that you can buy medicine at farm stores whereas we can't get anything such as antibiotics unless from a vet. Whenever I go to the US I buy some of your triple antibiotic ointment because it's so useful for wounds but there's nothing like that here otherwise - antiseptic yes, antibiotic without vet, no.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that things keep getting better and that the rest of the flock are fine too.
Thank you! It's kind of a mess here, honestly. I feel like the consult pushes the Corrid for the F&S because it's expensive more than because it's useful. The consult isn't a vet, and won't psychically see the birds; he works for the F&S, and got a little tripped up trying to tell me that they don't carry the medicated feed I bought there, then admitted that he doesn't know anything about bactracin.
I wasn’t aware that feed stores in the US were still selling bacitracin treated feed. When I got my chickens, it was being phased out because of antibiotic resistance and antibiotics being outlawed in commercial chicken. I would go ahead and use the Corid if you think there is a possibility of coccidiosis. I just did some reading, and it looks like both bacitracin to prevent enteritis, and amprollium (Corid) have been used together in the past for prevention of coccidiosis. Let us know how your chicken gets along.
Sorry, I just realized the above link is incorrect. I have The Eliminator-Beginner; tag info above is correct.

They have been eating this for about a month, we finished the last of it today.

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