Hen choked to death on a mouse

gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA
I am not looking for answers, just making a statement.

My 1 1/2 year old welsummer was lying dead in a nest box. When I pulled her out of the nest box she had a mouse's tail sticking out of her mouth. When I pulled on the mouse's tail the mouse was also dead but was shaped like a wine bottle cork.

First time I have ever seen this.
I've never heard of them choking on a mouse, but I've always wondered about that; some of my large fowl cough on seeds that are big, wondered about things bigger... I'm sorry.
Glad you have another Welsummer. Weird. Maybe someone else has come across this??
I have seen them catch and eat a mouse before, but they usually run off by themselves, break off pieces. I had them closed up a bit, and she had no place to run and I guess didn't want to share.
I'm so sorry! That's very unlucky... When I was a kid we had a plus size hen who swallowed a dead mouse whole... It was alarming but yeah, she had no intention to share. I can totally understand how one might choke and I'll hope my barn cat does a good enough job so that my hens don't encounter any.

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