hen did a backflip & died...

A purple comb is a sign of poor oxygen flow to her extremeties. I was thinking either heart problems or dry drowning. Dry drowning has many causes, but ultimately deprives the lungs of oxygen. It also has a delayed response that can take hours. You won't know for sure until a necropsy. When my Lucy died, we took her to the UC, Extension. They did it for free and had the results in less than a day.
Sorry for your loss. Sure sounds like a heart attack to me. I had a hen do basically the same thing and DH, who has years and years of experience with commercial chickens, said it was a heart attack that killed mine.
Thank you everyone! I never would have figured that out on my own. BYC is such a great resource when I most need it!
It really is "UP & DIED", too, isn't it? That phrase never quite made sense to me until I saw this...
yup. just like that. And as much as I loved her, the quickness and finality of it all left me in such a state of disbelief and shock that the grieving was not to the extent that I thought it would be. I still miss her, but still have that numb shock feeling about it all.

Reminds me of a story...
A family is going on vacation and has the inlaws watch their pets. Daily phone calls home reassure the vacationers that everything is ok. Until one day the pet sitters reply that the cat has died. The vacationing family were stunned by the news and the mom said "couldn't you have prepared us better? Like tell us the cat was not looking well or was stuck on the roof or SOMETHING??" The inlaws apologized but said they hadnt thought it out that way. Towards the end of the conversation the mom asks how everyone else is doing and how is grandma today? "Well, umm she's up on the roof and we can't get her down"

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