Hen ear infection or worms with balance issues?


In the Brooder
Mar 28, 2017
Hi, I have a barred rock that is 2 years old, had the Marek's vaccine so thinking I can rule that out. In just one day she can not keep her balance when she walks and wobbles slightly while standing. Her feet checked out fine and all the blogs and internet search comes up as possible worms or ear infection or a mystery. I was wondering if anyone ever used Zymox Ear Solution HC 0.5% that is for dogs and cats in chicken ears? I have her in the chicken hospital inside the house, she eats somewhat yogurt, apple sauce, seed and mealworms not much of any pellets tho and drinks water from the eyedropper that has a mix of chicken vitamins. She is very chatty still. Amazon delivery tomorrow of Ivermectin for worms. Any info/help will be awesome. Thanks :)
Can you upload a short video of her on YouTube?

Also can you cancel the order for Ivermectin and order Safe-Guard instead?
Hi, I have a barred rock that is 2 years old, had the Marek's vaccine so thinking I can rule that out. In just one day she can not keep her balance when she walks and wobbles slightly while standing. Her feet checked out fine and all the blogs and internet search comes up as possible worms or ear infection or a mystery. I was wondering if anyone ever used Zymox Ear Solution HC 0.5% that is for dogs and cats in chicken ears? I have her in the chicken hospital inside the house, she eats somewhat yogurt, apple sauce, seed and mealworms not much of any pellets tho and drinks water from the eyedropper that has a mix of chicken vitamins. She is very chatty still. Amazon delivery tomorrow of Ivermectin for worms. Any info/help will be awesome. Thanks :)
Did you end up using it for good chicken? How did the chicken do? Is it better?? Im
Having similar issues with my Silkie and was going to try the same treatment. Would love to know your outcome. Please update us!
Oh, sorry for never replying, never got notified in email of replies. She passed away back in May of 2020. She became very bloated and with an egg that broke inside of her. I never used the Ivermectin but did use Panacur for worming.

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