hen has trouble walking


10 Years
Jun 7, 2009
My RLR was walking around the yard and a couple of hours later we found her sitting in the middle of the yard and would not move when we walked up to her. The next few days we watched her, she would eat and even layed a couple of eggs but would not stand or walk. Its been 2 weeks since this happened and she attempts to walk but its like the bottom of her feet hurt. We checked them, no cuts or blood. We have to put her in the cage at night and take her out in the morning. What has happened to her legs or feet and what can we do to help her?
Could she have a vitamin deficiency, or maybe arthritis?

Are her feet hot or warmer than normal? Also, what kind of bottom does her cage have? If it just has a wire floor, it could be hurting her feet and adding to the problem. Can you check her legs, ankles, and toes for fractures?

Hope she's OK!
I hate to say it, but whenever I hear about a chicken that suddenly has trouble walking, I think Marek's disease. As an article I read not long ago said "if your chickens breathe, they have probably been exposed to Marek's disease." I assume your chicken has not been vaccinated?

If the chicken is continuing to eat, and the disease has not spread to the neck, it may survive. Most of the time, Marek's affects very young chickens, but there are many many cases of adult chickens getting the disease as well. We have had that happen on our farm. We vaccinate all new chicks now, just to be on the safe side.
Even though you didn't find any cuts or blood it still may be a foot problem. Check out this link and see if anything looks familiar.


Good luck with her and
Closed thread.

Another consideration is mold - even a tiny amount can lead to paralysis very similar to Marek's.
Closed thread.

Another consideration is mold - even a tiny amount can lead to paralysis very similar to Marek's.

Shoot, I'll have to go find another one for them. I pulled that one off of the sticky for this section, wonder why it's closed....

ETA: Well I couldn't find the one I wanted, maybe it got tossed out during the recent house cleaning? You can check this one out though, I believe it also has a link describing gout.

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