Hen hasn't hatched her 25 day old eggs

Can you candle the eggs and check a candle get chart to see how behind they are? Maybe they aren't as old as was previously thought.
I candled all 7 eggs they are all alive moving inside. 6 eggs are pitch black inside 1 egg still looks like it needs a bit. I tapped on them but they didn't tap back or chirp but i do see movement inside
Are there other hens and did you mark the eggs? Is it possible the first few days you grabbed the wrong eggs
This morning i found one with a pip bit died only 2 have hatched out of the 7 eggs 3 were dead i candled them the other ones im not sure. The chick that died in the egg looked like he was inflamed around his whole body
Did you get pictures?
Yes 1, see how only the head is huge it was inflamed idk why
They have a hatching muscle in the back of their neck to help them break out of the egg that is swollen whilst still in the egg, it might be this? I'm glad you got 2 to hatch, i only got 1/7 (which is 1/23 for this breed now).

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