Hen hatched 2 eggs then abandoned the rest of nest?


5 Years
Apr 23, 2014
This is my first hatching experience. My hen is a year old. She had 10 eggs she was nesting. Yesterday she hatched two eggs. Today she had them two out of the nest eatting and drinking and left the other eggs for over an hr. So I took the other eggs because they werent warm, and brought them in the house and put them under a heat lamp. After they warmed up I did the float test. They all moved. Im just hoping they will make it under the lamp. I live in country and cant find a thermometer at our dollar general. So I have a tote with a towel in it with 8 eggs, heat lamp, bowl of water, and a blanket covering half the tote. HELP!!
Why did she abandoned the rest of the eggs? I really hope they make it! My kids will be so disappointed if they dont. Also will she take them if they hatch?
This is my first hatching experience. My hen is a year old. She had 10 eggs she was nesting. Yesterday she hatched two eggs. Today she had them two out of the nest eatting and drinking and left the other eggs for over an hr. So I took the other eggs because they werent warm, and brought them in the house and put them under a heat lamp. After they warmed up I did the float test. They all moved. Im just hoping they will make it under the lamp. I live in country and cant find a thermometer at our dollar general. So I have a tote with a towel in it with 8 eggs, heat lamp, bowl of water, and a blanket covering half the tote. HELP!!

Why did she abandoned the rest of the eggs? I really hope they make it! My kids will be so disappointed if they dont. Also will she take them if they hatch?
Without a thermometer, it's risky. Get it too hot and the hatch will be compromised. I tried finding thermometers at dollar general about a month back and they said they don't sell them. As an emergency set up it's a fairly good one, except for the not knowing the temp. It would need to be about 101-102. Hen's don't neccessarily stay on the nest to hatch all the eggs. Once a few are born they tend to those. Some hens stay on the nest longer than others. Were the eggs all set on the same day or are they spaced out?
Im assuming all set the same day. Once she sat she didnt get up.? After a week of sitting we enclosed her away from other hens. I have an oral thermometer that I can try to set in there? Didnt think that would work so I didnt try. eggs feel warm, not hot? Should I just keep float testing them? IDK Im so lost
Ive hand raised I dont know how many newborn puppies and kittens, but never a chick! I will be so upset that they made it this far and then nothing.
I think the light should be closer, and cover the opening more. We use this set up for a brooder and the chicks are very cold if we have the light this far out of the box. Honestly, the chicks like the light on the ground, but that could be too close considering the eggs can't get away from the heat if they get too warm.

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