Hen Hoop - anyone using one?

I was liking the composite idea, too. The owner says there are some closer I could maybe go see. I'm keeping them on my short list.


I think it looks pretty good, but I am thinking that you could get one made locally for cheaper and have it built on sit. There's probably less than $300 in materials in that 4x8.
If you get it, you'll probably want to consider reinforcing the 1" by 2" wire with hardware cloth to prevent reach through predation, and consider the danger of digging predators in your area (possibly add an apron). I didn't see much in the way of ventilation, so you may want to add some more of that, too.
If there's only 6 sq foot per birds for the run and coop, you're going to have fighting soon. I don't think four could fit into the smallest one, maybe 2. Have you checked Craigslist for coops? To build a temporary coop you can bury 4 4x4s in a square, the back 2 buried about a foot lower. Connect the sides with 2x4 at the top, middle, and bottom. Screw in some braces for the plywood roof, throw down some silicon sealant for the gaps between plywood sheets and use plywood on the sides and wire. You can do a 8x8 for like $200.
If you are close enough we should talk. [email protected] I will make you a nice tractor in those dimensions. Let me know what you want for features and abilities. I say screw the Amish they are fake. Did you know they can use power tools as long as they are rented. So don't believe that Amish hand make crap. I live in WI so I deal with these jerks all the time. Even sold stuff I made for them as Amish and marked it up 300%. I say I would love to help out a fellow Chicken lover. I specialize in Sneaky coops As I live in a no chicken zone. Let me know.
Good ideas. My cat might really like to snag one of them through the wire. He is a rodent hunter, but leaves the birds pretty much alone. I'm hoping I can convince him that the chooks are family, too.

The ventilation is front to back, and there seems to be a fairly good sized window on both sides, so I think that will be OK, but the diggers are a real possibility. Our coop and run (whatever we end up with) will be inside a chain link fence inhabited by three dogs, so outside predators (mostly coyotes and raccoons) generally stay clear of the area, but you can't count on that.

My tentative plan is to let them range in the yard during the day when I'm home, in the enclosure when I'm gone and shut in the coop at night (for their own protection). Some of that may depend on the girls I end up with. It sounds like they have distinct personalities.

My tractor is a similar design


It's called a Stagecoach tractor. I ordered the plans and build it myself, with no previous building experience. It works well for me. I live on a 1/3 acre hillside urban lot. I have space on the side of the house to move it every 3-4 days with about a tree week rotation. From the orginal plans I double the coop size, but this this design it did not decrease the run space. I have 7 14 week pullets, had planned for 5 pullets, expecting some roo's a fatality which did not happen. The have been out for about 10 weeks now. I let them out most of the day, in the side yard an up on the hill side which is natural and a large area. I keep them out of the front yard and off the back patio with a 3x8' piece of lattice. I did clip their wings. I'm especially pleased with the automatic coop door, feeder, and water.

If you are interested in more information let me know and I can send you more information.
Thanks for the enouragement. I found this design just this afternoon, and I thought it looked promising.

Would you be willing to share the cost and assembly time? email?


View my page for our chicken tractor that we just made. That is alot of money for a small coop that you are looking at possibly getting. We built our chicken tractor ourselves without any plans for under $300(of course we used as much upcycling as possible). Like other comments, contact a local carpenter to help you out. We made ours within 3 days, which wasn't bad since my husband worked off the plans in my head. We move the coop and then the pen. We placed the coop on a garden cart(800lb capacity) and it works great. The girls seem to be very happy in their new home. Good Luck!!
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