I have a Salmon Favorelle that is a year old and today I noticed that she is walking around opening and closing her mouth. It looked like her rear end was looking funny so I looked and there is something like skin sticking out.(the size of a pinky maybe?) It also looks like she has dierrea, because she is a mess. She also sounds very raspy and sounds like she is crowing when she makes noise.She is walking around. I called my husband and he already injected her this morning ( I did not know, I was at the er). we feed them laying crumbles/grit/scratch all mixed together. But my husband mixed start and grow in this last mix by accident (did not listen to what I bought) will this hurt them?I have been feeding my chickens scratch feed for two years and never knew it was not good for them, so this time I mixed in less and added the grit. She has been sick before but not this bad and only a little cold.
Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to give as mant details as possible.
Thank you
Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to give as mant details as possible.
Thank you