Hen is sick can I help her?


The Madd Hatcher
10 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Southern Pines, NC
I have a Salmon Favorelle that is a year old and today I noticed that she is walking around opening and closing her mouth. It looked like her rear end was looking funny so I looked and there is something like skin sticking out.(the size of a pinky maybe?) It also looks like she has dierrea, because she is a mess. She also sounds very raspy and sounds like she is crowing when she makes noise.She is walking around. I called my husband and he already injected her this morning ( I did not know, I was at the er). we feed them laying crumbles/grit/scratch all mixed together. But my husband mixed start and grow in this last mix by accident (did not listen to what I bought) will this hurt them?I have been feeding my chickens scratch feed for two years and never knew it was not good for them, so this time I mixed in less and added the grit. She has been sick before but not this bad and only a little cold.
Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to give as mant details as possible.
Thank you
OH, goodness. Sounds like you've got a few issues there.

No, giving them some grower won't make them ill. You might see a difference in ther poop at first, but it wouldn't make them ill (unless of course it was moldy or something).

WHat did your husband inject her with? How much, and what time (how much time has passed since the injection). Is she any better at all?

What does the thing sticking from her vent look like - it could possibly be an egg membrane that broke in her vent...what color is it? It could also be a part of her reproductive tract. If you can get a good picture and post it, we can probably help you more on what that could be.

She's got a respiratory issue if she's sounding raspy...I would immediately separate her from your flock if she's in with others, because she could pass onto others what she has and you sure don't want that.

I'm so sorry for your issue - please give more info. Hang in there!
I think I might have done her in! I was trying by myself to get the pictue! My husband injected her with Pen-Aqueous Penicillin GProcaine Injection. I do not know how she was this morning because I had to go to the ER this mornig around two, and did not get hone until seven. Here is the picture I hope you can see it, If not I have more. Thank you so much!
Thank you! Whoever said that things come in threes did not know what they are talking about! This has been an awful and disaster filled week! I lost a whole hatch because I never noticed my turner was broke until day 18!! They were bought Cochins too!! I have been sick for two months and finally HAD to be seen. (acute Bronchitis). Something got in my trash today. MY old English Game Bantams got out and I can't catch a hen. Now my poor chicken has this plus breathing problems!!
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Oh, gosh - I'm so sorry you're having such a bad week. Sometimes, it's best to take just one thing at a time and deal with it. Hang in there...hopefully you can get this girl back up & running soon!

She needs to be separated, and I would add take her OFF layer feed for now. You don't want her messing up her hiney any more than has already happened. Would be a good idea to put her some place that's fairly dark, too, to discourage laying.
I have her by herself in my Cochin pen. If I remove her from there now and bring her in the house, will my Cochins get sick when they go in to roost later?

I am so thankful for your help! I have NEVER seen this and I have had chickens for a while!!
That's a very minor prolapse. Push the tissue back in, rub some hemorroid cream in her vent, and she'll be fine. Be sure to isolate her so the other birds don't pick her bum. It could have been caused by coccidiosis or straining, so you should go ahead and treat for cocci (it won't hurt, it's good to treat once a year) and reduce daylight and protein (to slow egglaying).
Ok husband and stepson just got home ( they are such girls, they did not want to do it) I made them!!LOL I have her in a box in the dark, but they want to cull because of the breathing problem!(he probably has the same idea for my breathing problems) MEN! You can hear her breathing a from few feet away!! I am going to give her a couple of days with the injections twice a day and see if she gets better, if not she must be culled so she does not suffer.
I only have three of these layers! She had a breathing problem in December too.
Oh when they pushed it back in, it came right back out!
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A breathing problem too? Is she wheezing or rattling, or is she just having difficulty breathing? She could have hurt herself, or she has a respiratory disease. TLC and some meds will get her back on her feet. Watch her carefully though, most respiratory illnesses spread very quickly and leave survivors as carriers.

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