Hen laying down and tired after spending ages trying to lay an egg


May 14, 2021
I'd love an answer as soon as possible but one of my hens spent all morning trying to lay an egg, and I think she's laid one now (I've pressed around her bum and I can't feel an egg in there so I don't think she's egg bound) but now she's very tired and lying down a lot. Could this be something else? (Note: this morning I collected one egg, and when I went out to go see my hen again as I saw an egg there were 2 in her laying box (another hen must've jumped in and also laid)) I have 3 hens
Hens can become egg bound, and then another egg can be right behind it. Calcium citrate with vitamin d3 is helpful in hen’s suffering from egg bound, to help with muscle contraction. I would probably give her one today and tomorrow. Are you feeding her a layer feed or an all flock feed with crushed oyster shell available on the side? I would try giving her some fluids and offering some scrambled egg and moistened chicken feed to help revive her. Poultry NutriDrench or electrolytes can be used as well for a day or two.
Hens can become egg bound, and then another egg can be right behind it. Calcium citrate with vitamin d3 is helpful in hen’s suffering from egg bound, to help with muscle contraction. I would probably give her one today and tomorrow. Are you feeding her a layer feed or an all flock feed with crushed oyster shell available on the side? I would try giving her some fluids and offering some scrambled egg and moistened chicken feed to help revive her. Poultry NutriDrench or electrolytes can be used as well for a day or two.
I don't think i have any calcium citrate with vitamin d3 on me right now, is there a good alternative? And yes I'm feeling a layer feed and I have oyster shells on the side too, but my hens don't seem to eat them. I'm going to give her some crushed up hard boiled eggs with the shells right now and I'll add some electrolytes to their waters. She perked up a bit earlier and hopped around and stuff but now she's sleeping again
Hens can become egg bound, and then another egg can be right behind it. Calcium citrate with vitamin d3 is helpful in hen’s suffering from egg bound, to help with muscle contraction. I would probably give her one today and tomorrow. Are you feeding her a layer feed or an all flock feed with crushed oyster shell available on the side? I would try giving her some fluids and offering some scrambled egg and moistened chicken feed to help revive her. Poultry NutriDrench or electrolytes can be used as well for a day or two.
Actually I think her crop is impacted

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