Hen longing for weaned babies?


Jun 20, 2018
The Acreage, FL
Hi everyone,

Recently, one of my hens weaned her babies off and rejoined the main flock. That happened this past Tuesday. Since then, she's been clucking constantly all day, as if she's looking for something or waiting on something. Now, I don't speak chicken, so I'm just assuming from what I see. On Wednesday, my other broody hatched all her eggs and were moved to their own house. Now the first hen who weaned her babies a day before, keeps going to the newly hatched house and looking in there as if she wants to get to the new babies (I have the door blocked with chicken wire) so nothing is going in, or out of there.

My question is, could the first hen be missing the babies? Is she confused? or is this just a normal behavior since she's going to be starting to lay again? I haven't seen this before. So any help on understanding this behavior is appreciated.
My experience with broodies is that when they are done they drive the chicks away and they are DONE. The chicks may still try to be with momma, but she's having none of it, and not the other way around. If she didn't choose to be done, then put them back with her until she does. Some hens will go broody again right after they finish with a batch of chicks, so she may be thinking of brooding again if she did decide she was done with them.
My experience with broodies is that when they are done they drive the chicks away and they are DONE. The chicks may still try to be with momma, but she's having none of it, and not the other way around. If she didn't choose to be done, then put them back with her until she does. Some hens will go broody again right after they finish with a batch of chicks, so she may be thinking of brooding again if she did decide she was done with them.

I have the same experience, which is why i'm confused. The chicks are being around her, but she seems like she's done with them, she does something that makes them flee from her, I'm not sure if it's a look, or a sound she's making, but she makes them run away from her, to an extent.

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