Hen making a cawing sound as she breaths...


Whale Whisperer
Apr 15, 2020
Nova Scotia
My Coop
My Coop
Hi All!

I have a hen who is very healthy, eating and drinking well. She's almost three years old and is a Cochinxbrown layer. I was just out in the pen to refill the water and noticed that she was making a distinct cawing sound with every breath, but acting and eating totally normally. Not raspy like a respiratory infection, but melodic like singing. None of the other birds are showing any symptoms of being ill.

Is this a case of something stuck in her throat? They have been in a covered run for the winter, so shouldn't have been in contact with any wild birds - I don't believe gape-worm should be an issue as I have never dealt with in in the flock and the birds wouldn't have had contact with the potential carriers of these worms for months.

She's on a diet of layer with the occasional treat like sunflower seeds.

Aside from monitoring her, are there any suggestions for what I should do? I'm hoping it clears up before this evening, but if she continues to show signs of some sort of obstruction, I will isolate and try more invasive measures of treatment.
I was just out in the pen to refill the water and noticed that she was making a distinct cawing sound with every breath, but acting and eating totally normally. Not raspy like a respiratory infection, but melodic like singing.
Aside from monitoring her, are there any suggestions for what I should do? I'm hoping it clears up before this evening, but if she continues to show signs of some sort of obstruction, I will isolate and try more invasive measures of treatment.
Can you get a video so we can hear it? Upload to youtube and provide a link.

She may have something stuck and has stridor which usually resolves on it's own in 24hrs.
If she's not currently in distress, then personally I would monitor her from a distance (no handling at this time) and see what happens.
Can you get a video so we can hear it? Upload to youtube and provide a link.

She may have something stuck and has stridor which usually resolves on it's own in 24hrs.
If she's not currently in distress, then personally I would monitor her from a distance (no handling at this time) and see what happens.

Thanks. I’ll go check again shortly and upload a video if she is still making the cawing sound. Hopefully it works it’s self out.
Sorry, the internet is at a standstill here (we live rurally and it’s been bad for the last couple of days), so I wasn’t able to upload the video yesterday. I will try again later today as I think it might be useful for others that have the same issues.

The good news is that the hen is all good now. She must have cleared the blockage overnight. I’ll monitor her throughout the day, but thanks for the peace of mind yesterday.
Sorry, the internet is at a standstill here (we live rurally and it’s been bad for the last couple of days), so I wasn’t able to upload the video yesterday. I will try again later today as I think it might be useful for others that have the same issues.

The good news is that the hen is all good now. She must have cleared the blockage overnight. I’ll monitor her throughout the day, but thanks for the peace of mind yesterday.
I'm glad she is o.k. now! Must have had something stuck in her throat.
I look forward to the video - you are right, it will be helpful for others that have similar issues. We all have lots to learn and when someone updates their thread with more information it's very much appreciated.
Hi All!

I finally got around to figuring out how to upload the example here!

Video of Chicken with Stridor

She has been fine ever since, so this was just a case of some food getting stuck in her throat most likely :)
Thank you for the update and video!
Yes, a good example of stridor. I'm so glad that she's doing well.

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