Hen making strange noises when breathing


6 Years
Jun 26, 2013
Help! One of my hens, a small silver-colored one, is sick. I first "heard" her illness this morning. Each time she breathes, she makes a long, audible "whine." Her mouth is open when she breathes. Every 30 seconds, she makes a loud squawk, then returns to the audible breathing.
At first, there were no other symptoms, except she isn't eating; This came on suddenly, she laid an egg yesterday, I think. She seems to be getting worse of the last hour or two. She is hunkered down, with her head elevated.
There isn't a vet in my area who treats chickens. What illnesses should I try to look for and how shall IO treat her? I appreciate your urgent help.
On the Olympic Peninsula
She sounds like she is having stridor, a sound that happens when something is partially blocking the airway. It could be a foreign body, a piece of food, mucus, or tissue. I would look inside the beak and throat with a light. It may be a respiratory infection, but look for anything unusual. Respiratory infections can be caused by viruses or bacteria, and antibiotics such as Tylan 50 injectable or oxytetracycline can be used for treatment. Some worms can also affect the airway. Has she been wormed lately? She needs to be given fluids so that she doesn't become dehydrated.
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Thanks, I watched her closely today. She ate some, drank and pooped. I took her from the roost, and I'm going to follow your advice and check her throat as soon as the sun comes up.

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