Hen molting in June after molting in October?


Jan 7, 2021
Do chickens ever molt twice in one year?

I have a buff orpinton who molted over the course of October and November, laying no eggs in that period. She's virtually stopped laying eggs since June 6 (she laid 1 on June 9) and I'm seeing large flight feathers in the run like when she molted in the fall. They are definitely hers as the other chickens have different coloring. Also not likely that she's being pecked at, since she is the alpha of the flock. No other obvious health issues. She is two years old and hasn't done this before.

Any ideas?
Sometimes chickens can molt twice a year. If she is acting perfectly fine then there should be nothing to worry about, just keep an eye on her.
Sometimes chickens can molt twice a year. If she is acting perfectly fine then there should be nothing to worry about, just keep an eye on her.
Thank you! This is new for me as none of mine have done this before.

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