Hen Mounting Other Hen

Aug 11, 2020
I have a mixed flock, but mainly Australorpes. We had a couple roosters to test but had to fill them due to noise complaints. The ladies accepted them readily and really didn't seem to mind the uh, harassment they got every morning. No balding or bullying just chicken breeding.
I'm wondering if the hen I witnessed mounting, extending her vent like a rooster expelling his and the mounted hen extending her vent like she was accepting fertilization is a sign they're lonely? Or maybe just being odd. Never heard of it, and they all still lay eggs. Any insight? Thanks ahead of time.
I had 2 male cats who took turns mounting each other when they were young. As they got older, they mostly just curled up together. and slept. Who knows what went on in the minds of these 2 lovely cats. :confused:
I wouldn't worry about it, unless one is hurting the other.

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