Hen no longer roosting


6 Years
Nov 6, 2015
Hi all,
Recently when I've been locking the girls in for the night I've noticed one of them is no longer roosting. I've had problems like this from a hen that was at the bottom of the pecking order and I fixed this by adding an new perch. What's worrying me is the fact this hen is high in the pecking order. Anybody have any ideas why she's staying on the ground and possibly how to fix it.
Thanks in advance
She could be just the last to roost no concern regarding pecking order and will settle in when everyone else does. You may find that hen roosting if you go back later. Have you tried peaking in say an hour later or so to see what she is doing?
Hi all,
Recently when I've been locking the girls in for the night I've noticed one of them is no longer roosting. I've had problems like this from a hen that was at the bottom of the pecking order and I fixed this by adding an new perch. What's worrying me is the fact this hen is high in the pecking order. Anybody have any ideas why she's staying on the ground and possibly how to fix it.
Thanks in advance
What age is the hen?
She could be just the last to roost no concern regarding pecking order and will settle in when everyone else does. You may find that hen roosting if you go back later. Have you tried peaking in say an hour later or so to see what she is doing?
I checked last night arround 9pm well dark by then and she was still down
One of my bantam cochin hens underwent surgery earlier this year for a stricture around her little feathered leg. She roosted fine after surgery, but lately, has also decided to dig into a nest of pine shavings rather than roosting. She interacts just like before with her coop mates, but since it's gotten colder, she now favors that leg more. Is it possible your hen has some physical discomfort that makes her not want to roost?
One of my bantam cochin hens underwent surgery earlier this year for a stricture around her little feathered leg. She roosted fine after surgery, but lately, has also decided to dig into a nest of pine shavings rather than roosting. She interacts just like before with her coop mates, but since it's gotten colder, she now favors that leg more. Is it possible your hen has some physical discomfort that makes her not want to roost?
She seems to be fine during the day. I'll give her a physical check tomorrow and I'll see if she has any signs of illness.
I’d also make sure roosting bars are 18 inches away from wall and each other. Plenty of space about 10 inches per bird and no more than 30 inches high is the standard recommendation for comfortable roosting.

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