Hen Noise


6 Years
Apr 1, 2013
I live in a neighborhood and am concerned about the level of noise hens make. I am seriously considering getting them, but need to make sure they aren't too loud. Any help?
Not sure about all hens but my little Bantams are very, very loud during laying time. Our Cochins are a bit quieter and my silkie hen never made a peep! So I think it depends on breed
I have 5 RIR hens and two red sex link hens currently. Now that the weather has warmed up a little they are laying an egg a day for the most part but rarely even know they are on the place. Most of the time, they are too worn out from all the egg laying that they don't even sing the "egg song" lol Now, the big Buff Orpington Rooster is another matter entirely lol Everybody knows he is around! ;)
Don't get a Blue Andalusian if you want a quiet chicken. She's a great producer, but she is INCREDIBLY noisy.
My RIR hen is so loud but no noise complaint from any neighbors yet. She paces around "bawk-bawk-bawk!" noise for a good half an hour before sitting down to lay an egg. I adopted 2 American Game fowl laying hens a few weeks ago. They are great if you don't want noise. They make very occasional "errr" sound but it's low and barely audible. My Leghorn and brown sexlink make no loud noises but they are not laying yet so don't know yet.
One of my austrolorps and two of my leghorns are VERY noisy at laying time while the others are very soft spoken. I'm a little worried as they are still in the garage but we are introducing them to the coop this weekend. Not sure how the neighbors will take it. I'm going to get some homemade jams and bread made to have on hand as peace offerings and the promise of occasional fresh eggs, lol!
Yeah, my australorp is also pretty noisy.

My ameracauna is nice and quiet though- don't know if that is a breed characteristic or just her...

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