Hen not standing abdomen distended and diarrhea


14 Years
Apr 30, 2010
Hi all, I have a hen that isn't feeling well.
I have no idea what happened.
Here are the details:

RI hen about 2 years old. She appears to be a little underweight, abdomen was a bit distended but doesn't look red or swollen now.
She isn't standing, eats ok; will wobble over to food. Sits mostly. Legs don't appear broken, feet are good
This has been going on for 4 days now. She will eat anything. Blueberries, scratch, greens
No other birds are sick. I have a small flock of 9
Her butt appears to be tender, scabbed, ( I think from the poop that had collected there) have been giving her regular baths.
Poop is loose
She was weaker, but I think what I have done so far may have helped because she is more interested in her surroundings.
I have her in a crate and giving her yogurt, ACV in some water. Took her outside to sit for a while and graze.
Her current bedding is shavings in the crate. They all have a cage where they roost at night, that I lock up. During the day they are free range.
I'd like to see about getting her back to normal without taking her to a vet, I have a vet but they don't know about chickens so no idea of one that does where I live.

What are your thoughts?
Has she laid eggs recently? Does she waddle or have a wide stance when she gets around? Does her lower belly between the legs seem swollen or enlarged, or hanging down, and does it feel firm or like fluid inside? Is her tail position down or normal? How does her crop feel now, and does it empty completely by the next morning? She may be egg bound or be suffering from a reproductive disorder or water belly (ascites.) You might try giving some human calcium citrate with vitamin D for a few days to see if it helps. Also a picture of her vent area might be helpful.
Thank you Eggcessive. She hasnt laid since I have had her in a crate. (3 days) She waddles. Her lower belly seemed swollen. I will check her again. Crop empty. I'll get a pic of her vent area later today.
Here’s a look at her vent. Scab is healing and dropped off. I got some tums and gave her that. Can’t find the calcium citrate w D. Have it on order
Is your hen doing better? I had similar issue and finally had to put my hen down this week. Turns out she had a hard fat ball the size of a baseball along with a lot of loose fatty tissue in her abdomen. Unfortunately if they don't get better after a week, it's going to be fatal.

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