Hen or Roo?????


5 Years
Mar 18, 2014
Southwest Missouri
I have a silkie here I was pretty sure was a female and was beginning to lay eggs that is about 6-7 months.

But yesterday she crowed at me like a roo would, and has been being a bit onry towards my white black crested polish roo, who is also about the same age.

I have 5 hens that 6-7 months old, 2 are white black crested polish pullets, 3 are mini bantams.

I also have another white black crested polish roo and his hen who are a year old (they are in a seperate coop and pen.)

I also have a guinea fowl (who is also in a seperate coop and pen) whom Levy (my silkie) started mimicing sounds the guinea makes at a very early age and now mimics his behaviors being bossy.

I also have 2 Indian Runner drakes and 5 Indian Runner hens....who the silkie just ignores (they are also in a seperate coop and pen.)

I am just not sure what to think, I was so sure my silkie was a hen and was the one the last couple days that has laid the eggs I been finding in their coop (I know it is not my older hens because they are all in seperate coops and pens) but when Levy crowed at me I didn't know what to think and also this sudden onry bossy behavior towards my little roo. This all has started in the last couple days since I started finding the eggs in their coop.

Levy is mainly being bossy/onry towards my little roo....has occassionally pecked at the hens, but nothing like been doing towards my roo....

Here is the best picture I could get of my little silkie....this pic doesn't really show...but is starting to get some waddles a little bit....but the comb and waddle area all a blueish gray...no red!

I'm not a big silky keeper but that looks like a hen, is it possible she's going broody and is actually growling at you, or was it an outright crow.
I don't see anything screaming cockerel with your Silkie so I'm thinking it's a pullet. Crowing is very uncommon among hens and when it does occur it is usually done by an older hen that has assumed the role of the rooster in a roosterless flock. However, there are rare exceptions (a BYC member not long ago had one of these rare exceptions) and if your Silkie is laying eggs it is definitely a pullet even if it is crowing.
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Michael is right. Since she already had laid eggs - she is NOT a rooster. Unless another bird has been leaving eggs in her nest box. Silkie hens don't get a redder comb approaching lay. Their combs should be black or dark gray & stay that way.
Michael is right. Since she already had laid eggs - she is NOT a rooster. Unless another bird has been leaving eggs in her nest box. Silkie hens don't get a redder comb approaching lay. Their combs should be black or dark gray & stay that way.
Her waddles and comb are small and almost a purpleish blue color. It could be possible its one the other hens. Just not sure. I am just baffled by how she is going after my roo.
I don't see anything screaming cockerel with your Silkie so I'm thinking it's a pullet. Crowing is very uncommon among hens and when it does occur it is usually done by an older hen that has assumed the role of the rooster in a roosterless flock. However, there are rare exceptions (a BYC member not long ago had one of these rare exceptions) and if your Silkie is laying eggs it is definitely a pullet even if it is crowing.
I have heard people say Silkie's mock other bird sounds....she has tried to mimic my guinea fowl....could it be possible just trying to mimic the roo's too?

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