Hen or Roo?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 15, 2013
HI There,

I am pretty sure that one of my 6 week old EE's is a Roo. We started to notice the comb right away is larger and getting redder than the other. I got both Chicks from the same hatchery, and they are the same age. I would also like to note that tail feathers are staggered in length like an adult Rooster would have. I have never had a roo and new to this as well. Can anyone help me here?:) Sorry my daughters feet are featured in the photos:)

That's what I was thinking. I sure wish we could have one in town as he/she is so pretty:( I will wait until he starts making noise before I look for a new home
I'm in Minnesota and have been thinking of getting an EE roo or two. If you decide to find him a new home and have trouble, contact me, maybe we can work something out.
HI There,

Where abouts are you located? We are up by Duluth, MN. It will be hard to get rid of him, but we have too. He has had only organic chick starter and lots of grass and bugs:) I will let you know what we decide to do.....thanks!

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