Hen or rooster?


12 Years
Feb 25, 2011
These chickens Hatched in September, and I'm not sure what they are. If breed helps, their mother is a blue wheaten ameraucana and their father will be either a white favorelles, a splash silkied ameraucana (100% ameraucana but silkied feathers), or a black copper French marans. 2 of the chicks are obvious roosters and 1 is a hen. These I'm unsure.

I initially thought Tortie was a hen because of the huge tail when one month old. Then, s/he started looking like s/he had a rooster tail. Now, I'm uncertain.


I first thought Shadow was just a very docile rooster. Now, he looks nothing like the other roosters shape-wise and has a very pale comb.



I first thought rooster, but he's so much daintier than the others. Based on his white legs, I'm guessing his father is my favorelles who's my huge head rooster. Casper, his brother behind him has a rump like my other young roos.


What are my little guys? Are some little girls?
Tortie is the only cockerel.

Cooper is not from the Faverolles, she has no feathered legs, beard/muffs or fifth toe. Marans are also white skinned birds, so I'm guessing that must have been the father.

Technically, Ameraucana are also white skinned, but the color on the shanks usually overrides the actual skin color.
Thanks, everyone. Tortie (for tortoise shell) has been my oddball. Horrible looking chick, the only one who's had the same feather pattern since day one. I was hoping Tortie was a hen because he's the only one with a beard and feathered feet.

None of them had a full fifth toe, just a weird tiny nub that branches off the back toe. From the six who hatched, 2 are black (Shadow and Sweet Pea), 2 are red/copper (Goliath who's HUGE with a fairly flamboyant tail and Cooper), 1 who's white (Casper), and the mottled one (Tortie).

Tortie at about one month old.
tortie sure looks like he had a Salmon Faverolles father, but you say your Faverolles is white. I'm not sure how white genetics work in Faverolles but that's got to be his father.
Tortie has always been a mystery because he doesn't resemble any of my chickens. None of them look like the mothers, who are all blue wheaten ameraucanas from a breeder. Apart from my bearded silkies, none of my roosters have feathered feet except for Dagger, my favorelle. The silkies have never mixed with the other birds.

Does anyone know where the copper comes from? Cooper is much more orange than Goliath who is a lot more red. Cooper's legs look white like Dagger's (he looks like an albino). Can a blue wheaten ameraucana and a black copper marans make an all copper chick?
Tortie has always been a mystery because he doesn't resemble any of my chickens. None of them look like the mothers, who are all blue wheaten ameraucanas from a breeder. Apart from my bearded silkies, none of my roosters have feathered feet except for Dagger, my favorelle. The silkies have never mixed with the other birds.

Does anyone know where the copper comes from? Cooper is much more orange than Goliath who is a lot more red. Cooper's legs look white like Dagger's (he looks like an albino). Can a blue wheaten ameraucana and a black copper marans make an all copper chick?
Ameraucana/Marans cross still would not produce a yellow skinned chick. I suspect that your Ameraucana are not really Ameraucana, but Easter Eggers.
Then the breeders need to be reported. This is their mother. The other one is my olive egger.


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