Hen rejecting chick?


6 Years
May 13, 2013

My broody hen has been sitting on 6 eggs in her own "broody box" (large dog crate). Her first chick hatched early (yesterday) and is doing fine. One more hatched this afternoon. I got home just as it was hatching, and somehow the egg rolled out of her nest area before the chick got all the way out. The chick got out and made its way to the hen, and she started her "danger cluck" and attacking it. Do you think its because it didn't hatch under her?

Do you think she might attack the rest of the chicks/ should I try to reintroduce the rejected chick later?
Put the chick under her tonight - everything should be OK. I'm not certain what set her off, but tonight the chicks moving and peeping under her should cause her to bond with them.
I snuck the chick under her while giving her some food and she didn't notice immediately but when she did she pecked it again. Does doing it a night make a difference? I have it in a separate cage right now- I don't know how much pecking it could have taken.
Great update. Sometimes it takes the hens that twelve to twenty four hours of hearing and feeling the chicks move before they bond with them.

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