Hen still pecking at chick


Jul 8, 2021
Central NJ
I have made multiple threads about integrating… but this one is about one hen that seems to be a bit bossy. I have an 11 week old Buff and 3: 7 month old hens. I’ve been integrating for the past 7 weeks. One hen is completely fine with the chick. But the other two still peck at her, one more than the other. They have been together all day for the past 4 days and i know it takes a lot of time i’m just not sure what else i can do. They have 3 feeders, 2 waterers. But this one hen will not stop chasing or pecking at her. Can anyone help?
I've read that some people will separate the 1 ringleader bully for a few days to reset the pecking order. Might be worth a try.
I’m not even sure how i would separate her. I only have one coop. Unless i out her in a large dog crate but i feel bad doing that because the three hens are buddies :(
I’m not even sure how i would separate her. I only have one coop. Unless i out her in a large dog crate but i feel bad doing that because the three hens are buddies :(
I'd use the crate. Being separated won't hurt her. The continued bullying, however, might hurt your chick. Just for a few days.
Will do! How many days would you say? 2-3?
I've not had to do it (luckily!), but I've read 2-3. You can maybe try it for a day, add the offender back in with the flock, and see how it goes. You can always try it for longer if 1 day doesn't seem to be long enough.

I hope this does it! I had a broody mama integrate a lone chick. That chock was also bullied, but the problem behavior eventually subsided.that chick grew up to be way at the bottom of the pecking order, even after I added another 7 ch9ckens over the years. I now wish I'd had at least 1 other chick her age.

Good luck!!!! Keep us updated!!!
I've not had to do it (luckily!), but I've read 2-3. You can maybe try it for a day, add the offender back in with the flock, and see how it goes. You can always try it for longer if 1 day doesn't seem to be long enough.

I hope this does it! I had a broody mama integrate a lone chick. That chock was also bullied, but the problem behavior eventually subsided.that chick grew up to be way at the bottom of the pecking order, even after I added another 7 ch9ckens over the years. I now wish I'd had at least 1 other chick her age.

Good luck!!!! Keep us updated!!!
I wish i didn’t have to honestly! Luckily the chick is still roosting, but i still need to help her. I’ve watched the cameras as soon as i get up to see what time they get out in the morning, and the chick is always the first to leave because the one hen will move all the way to the other side of the roost to peck at the chick. I also saw like glasses you can put on their beak, i’m not sure what they’re called, but i’m not sure if that would be any better
I'd use the crate. Being separated won't hurt her. The continued bullying, however, might hurt your chick. Just for a few days.


I haven't had to do anything this extreme, but when I was integrating the Ideal Dozen the adult hens were fine but the POL Splits were harassing them. So I let the chicks out into the run and, when the Splits went into the brooder to eat the chicks' feed (because even though it was the same all-flock crumble it was, of course, better in there ;) ), I shut the Splits in all day.

They weren't happy about being confined AT ALL, but it gave the little ones time to thoroughly explore the run and gain confidence and put the Splits down a peg so that the harassing was reduced.

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