Hen still sick-head tilting/odd behavior-video added


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 17, 2009
This was my last post on this hen: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=558291 a week ago.

Since that day when I did the ivermectin and started abx she improved remarkably, to the point of chasing a grasshopper in her pen. She was clucking and scratching and jumping out of her box. I gave her 1/2 cc penn procaine every other day three times.

and now has gone slowly downhill again or at least isn't continuing to improve. She wants to eat but it's like she can't, she tries and easily gives up. She has these little outbursts of energy where she's bright and busy and eats and will even take a drink or two of water but it's like the effort wears her out and she shuts her eyes and droops again. I can't figure out what causes either one-she's always interested in food, takes a couple bites and quits. She likes watery things so I've been making her mashes and giving her things like tomatoes/bananas/watermelon because she will eat those. Bread crumbs were a big hit too. Syringing sugar water into her seems to help a lot. I'm sure she's totally dehydrated but she's horrible to force water down, hence the watery food.

She wants to eat and always is looking for food-why won't she eat and eat? I have to wake her up to eat, then she has a few bites and conks out again. Diarrhea is gone, poops are normal.

Now her beak has grown a lot since she got sick and look overgrown, should I trim it? any exertion wipes her out.

She's had a head tilt the whole time-my mom thought she was blind for a while but she does see. Wincy eyes, head flops. and then the twitching tilting that I got on this video. What the heck? So I also video'ed a shot down her mouth and please forgive, it's horrible but gives a glimpse. When I have someone here to hold her I can get a better picture-as it was I had to hold the camera under my chin and arrange the shot. But I looked and saw clearly down her trach and no other obstructions, looked normal to me?

The pale washed-out yellow color was her first symptom...she's been ill for a month or so now. Got through the lice, got wormed, had abx, now she's thin, not gaining, and just generally half dead.

I've had this chicken (who now goes by the name Goner) in the house for a month, feeding her by hand several times a day. I'm going a little bonkers but hate to give up, especially when she has bursts of normalcy. The whole time I've been typing this she's been pecking away at that plate of tomatoes.

Any ideas?

I think anyone should be able to see these:

OH I hope someone can help you out with what might be wrong with her...that is just sad. Breaks my heart. Hugs to you and her.
Thank you, it's been a long haul with her. But she seems so much like she *could* get better that I hate to give up on her. I hope someone has an idea too.

I did trim her beak just now too so that's not a factor.
Her combs look really pale and it seems like she can't open her eyes very well.
The eye thing makes me think its worms or parasites of some sort.
But if she got better and then got sick after being in the yard, do you know if she ate anything poisonous like mushrooms or chemicals?
From looking at her i'd say maybe a respiratory infection or parasites?
I'm not sure but can you bring her to the vet?
Did you check her for gapeworm? ivermectin won't get rid of gapeworm (from what ive heard) and that could stop her from eating.
If you take a swap down her throat and rub it up against it, if she has gapeworm Y shaped worms should stick to the swap.
If you think its a respiratory infection use baytril, but only if you see symptoms like sneezing, head shaking, yellow discharge from nose, vomiting, finding it hard to breath, and watery stools.
I hope your chicky feels better soon!
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It looks like a touch of botulism to me. They can pick it up anywhere, even if you keep their areas clean. IF that is what it is, she should recover. I've found that vitamin E therapy helps and it wouldn't hurt.
HMMM gapeworm! We have tons of pheasants and wild birds around here. I'm off to take a closer look down her throat and do a swab. It really does seem like she has something wrong in her throat so that rings a bell with me.

She has been shaking her head a lot, tilted.. but she doesn't have any coughing, sneezing, discharge, anything...

Fenbendazole works for that, correct? I have a variety of other wormers on hand, including that one.

She was in a small pen in the yard, nothing but grass in there. I've wondered if the initial problem was a toxicity but none of the other chickens are sick at all.

The vet is a last resort-I am trying to avoid it. Cash is pretty short right now and I'd have a hard time justifying that one to DH. But I do have vets that will give me pretty much whatever meds I want for a chicken.
It would seem to me that the best course of action would be to get her to a vet, if you can.
The poor thing has been suffering for quite awhile, and a vet could test and quickly diagnose the problem, and suggest treatments.
Botulism would ring a bell too-the neighbor's dog had it last winter and recovered slowly. Since the chickens free range I could see her digging up something that might have had it. We had a long very wet spring... I can nurse her through that.
There are no vets here that will see a chicken-I live in ranch country. The people on this board know more about chickens than any vet in a 50 mile radius of me. There is an avian specialist 80 miles away that I'm sure would see her but would charge me more than my truck payment to see her. I can't do that-I wish I had that kind of cash but I don't.
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Don't feel you are on a guilt trip. You are doing everything you can. They're not enough Avian vets around and I hate that. Plus the expense. I am not an expert and I don't know what could be wrong. But I hope she can get better. You are doing exactly what I would do.

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