Hen-torn infected back end


Apr 19, 2016
I'm not good with terminology so forgive me ahead of time. We noticed this morning that our hen was missing tail feathers and upon further investigation we found that where the egg comes out she is torn and its infected. We are about to give her some antibiotics but am wondering what could have caused this and if I need to keep her from the rooster?
Hi there :frow

Going on what you have described yes I would keep her away from the roo and give her time to recover. He could cause further damage to her. Could she have been attacked by other members in her flock? Could the roo have been mating her too much?
I haven't seen him single her out and all the hens tend to get along seemingly fine... I'm not sure what happened
Sometimes things remain unknown if you have not actually seen an incident take place. I would still remove her from them and get her cleaned up. You should be able to get a good look then to see what is going on with her. If she has injuries the others could be pecking at them and making it worse. I'm afraid chickens are quite brutal if they see blood.

Good luck with her, I hope she heals well :fl
Should I put something on her wounds? If so what?
We put her in a dog crate but it's so hot here in Fl I would be afraid to leave her there long...
Do you have something like neosporin? Or some other antibacterial ointment?

Is she in the shade with plenty of cold water? Is it a ventilated crate?
I didn't even think about neosporin! Thx
We ended up setting up the dog kennel and a tent next to the other chickens. Thx for the help

This is an image from today. Sunday she had a shot of LA 300 and we've tried to keep the roo away. He flew over the fence yesterday. Sunday it was oozing. It looks better to me. What do you think?

This is an image from today. Sunday she had a shot of LA 300 and we've tried to keep the roo away. He flew over the fence yesterday. Sunday it was oozing. It looks better to me. What do you think?

I think you need to clean all that black stuff and poop off and repost pictures of the wound.


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