Hen with a big and hard abdomen


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 10, 2015
one of my 3 years old golden comet has been sick for a while, she has a huge and hard abdomen of a normal honeydew size. She started sporadically laying odd shaped/soft eggs late last year, but she has been behaving normal till a few weeks ago. She started eat much less than she used to be, sometime only eat worms and bugs from foraging. Sometime she sat in the nest for a long time without laying. I have searched websites including this one and it seems that she has lots of eggs in her abdomen (forgot the medical term). My question is doesn't anyone ever have a successful case of surgery to remove the stuck eggs?
one of my 3 years old golden comet has been sick for a while, she has a huge and hard abdomen of a normal honeydew size. She started sporadically laying odd shaped/soft eggs late last year, but she has been behaving normal till a few weeks ago. She started eat much less than she used to be, sometime only eat worms and bugs from foraging. Sometime she sat in the nest for a long time without laying. I have searched websites including this one and it seems that she has lots of eggs in her abdomen (forgot the medical term). My question is doesn't anyone ever have a successful case of surgery to remove the stuck eggs?
Its probably Not A stuck egg!! It can be MANY stuck eggs, Many yolks without shells, etc. One of mine had 16 complete yolks not busted, many that were busted and cooked from the body heat, some shells from the earlier days that had fused together---look more like a bone but brittle. Mine walked like a penguin but eat good. Yours might have other problems??
Its probably Not A stuck egg!! It can be MANY stuck eggs, Many yolks without shells, etc. One of mine had 16 complete yolks not busted, many that were busted and cooked from the body heat, some shells from the earlier days that had fused together---look more like a bone but brittle. Mine walked like a penguin but eat good. Yours might have other problems??
Thanks for your reply. How long did your hen live after you find she has the problem? She only started eat much less within the last few weeks.
Thanks for your reply. How long did your hen live after you find she has the problem? She only started eat much less within the last few weeks.
She was eating good if she could get to the feeder----she was so heavy---probably twice what the others hens weighed-----she could not get on the roost or get around good. I took her out of her miseries. I was shocked at what I found in her---I never seen anything like that and she was less than a year old.
It sounds like internal laying. They can live awhile with that, but it can frequently become egg yolk peritonitis if there is infection, such as E.coli in there. The main thing is to get her to eat and drink (cooked egg, moistened feed, a tsp of plain yogurt daily, and plenty of clean water.) Keep her comfortable near food and water, and when she starts suffering or is in pain, I would put her down. They sometimes can develop ascites or water belly, and sometimes removing a small amount of the excess fluid occasionally can help relieve pressure and ease breathing.
She was eating good if she could get to the feeder----she was so heavy---probably twice what the others hens weighed-----she could not get on the roost or get around good. I took her out of her miseries. I was shocked at what I found in her---I never seen anything like that and she was less than a year old.
My poor baby is also very heavy even though she eats very little feed, she eats lots of worms/bugs. One thing I noticed is she loves to eat meat including cooked meat. From what you saw with your hen, is it possible to have a surgery to remove the stuck eggs by a vet? Thank you very much.
My poor baby is also very heavy even though she eats very little feed, she eats lots of worms/bugs. One thing I noticed is she loves to eat meat including cooked meat. From what you saw with your hen, is it possible to have a surgery to remove the stuck eggs by a vet? Thank you very much.
Sure---a good Vet should be able to fix her up for now. Not sure about future laying?? My hens tube the egg goes through was stretched about the size of a kids football. I know you seem to care a lot for your hen and that's your call. I can see $100's and $100's and $100's to operate and if she lives through it the and follow up will Cost more. I look at it different but I do not get attached to my chickens. You know a hen only has a short life span compared to dogs/cats, etc anyway. You Do What You feel you want to do and Good Luck!
Thank you for the information. It is a dilemma what is more humane, end her misery now, so she won't suffer anymore or let her go through the treatment and live for another couple of weeks of months. On top of that she is 3 years old. I read that golden comet doesn't have the longevity as some pure breed.
Thank you for the information. It is a dilemma what is more humane, end her misery now, so she won't suffer anymore or let her go through the treatment and live for another couple of weeks of months. On top of that she is 3 years old. I read that golden comet doesn't have the longevity as some pure breed.
Eggdance, if you are asking My Opinion----I would sent her to Chicken Heaven before she gets to bad off, But that's Me----you will have to decide. And yes their is many post on here that at around 3 years Golden Comets are close to the end. If I were close I would Take care of it for you!! You probably have someone that can do that for you and spare you the details. Sorry!!

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