Hen with no chest feathers


8 Years
Apr 17, 2011
Just recently one of my hens has become very lothargic and just sits in her laying box. She stays there all day and night. I have to take her out against her will just for her to eat or drink. When she is out she walks, and eats, and moves just fine. When I took her out I noticed that all of her chest feathers are gone. She has also completely stopped laying eggs. My other hen seems just fine but has also stopped laying. (maybe they are in the forest somewhere, haven't gone on an egg hunt yet.) About a month ago we got two new chicks. They are in a smaller cage inside the coop until they get bigger. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks to all who read this and help with any ideas.
Your hen has gone broody and she wants to hatch some of her own chicks.
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sounds like your hen is getting broody. When she pulls out the chest feathers it's to make contact with the egg and keep it warm.
I don't have any broody hens right now but have in the past. She still goes out to eat, likely you're just not seeing her do it.
I am also thinking broody. They only come out once or twice a day to poo and it is really stinky! You need to provide water and food close. I so want a broody. I also want a roo, or two. We are only 9 weeks now. I may only HAVE hens?
Let her sit on a few eggs temporarily, and then see if you can get some day old chicks. Put them under her when it's dark, and make sure she is sectioned off with food and water so she can care for them. Thats about the only way to pull a determined hen out of broodiness, give her babies to raise. Just watch her close to make sure she accepts them. You asked how long it goes on... sometimes they die because they wont quit brooding, and other times you can break them by blocking them off from the area or getting them wet... Babies work best. Good luck!

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