Hen with very raspy breathing

I have made sure she has had plenty of garlic to eat today and also wormed her so hopefully that is helping too
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Yes DE can be hard on their lungs. I have a sack of it that I have never used, and I probably won't. I hope you start to see some improvement. Let us know how the oxine goes.
Right, this hen is now passing blood in her poop. One locked as though it was a massive worm, as long as my hand and deep red in colour. I did worm her yesterday in case she had worms and she has also laid an egg. Still being kept separate though. I know blood in the poo suggests coccidiosis but she has been vaccinated against it. Any ideas on what's going on?
Even if she has had a Coccidiosis vaccine, she can still get Coccidiosis if she is exposed to a new type of Coccidiosis that the vaccine doesn't cover. Was she fed medicated feed at any point in her life? This would also negate the Coccidiosis vaccine. You might want to get some Corid and treat her for Coccidiosis.
I've never fed her any medicated feed. She is still eating and drinking and runs away from me fine, but she is very croaky and now has bloody poo. Will look into getting some Corid. Thanks for the help

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