Hen with wound on her back not walking


Jun 17, 2022
Hello, I found my hen laying on the ground unable to move with an open wound on her back. I have isolated her and treating her wound in which it seems to be healing nicely, but she doesnt have any movement on her legs/feet. I have inspected her legs and feet and it doesnt show any injuries, discoloration or scaling, they look pretty normal, I have try to stand her on a perch and she doesn’t seem to want to wrap on it, Its been 3 days since I found her injured. How do I know if she’s ever going to walk again?
Mareks comes to mind with paralysis, but she might've been attacked. Either other chickens, or a predator? Not sure on the rest of your situation. You might want to try putting her in a sling for part of the day. Hopefully nothing is broken.

They also can get egg laying paralysis where a large egg can push on the nerves.
Hello, I found my hen laying on the ground unable to move with an open wound on her back. I have isolated her and treating her wound in which it seems to be healing nicely, but she doesnt have any movement on her legs/feet. I have inspected her legs and feet and it doesnt show any injuries, discoloration or scaling, they look pretty normal, I have try to stand her on a perch and she doesn’t seem to want to wrap on it, Its been 3 days since I found her injured. How do I know if she’s ever going to walk again?
Can you post a picture of the wound?
Do you know what caused the injury?
Can you post a picture of the wound?
Do you know what caused the injury?
I believed she was attacked by other chickens. Her injury has healed and sealed, it was about 2inches in diameter. When I found her she was laying on the ground unable to move being pecked by another chicken, it has been about a week and she still not moving, she is eating and drinking and seems that the leg on the same side that she was attacked is lame.
I do physical therapy on her everyday and clean her up, what if she is paralyzed? What’s the solution to that?

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