

In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 2, 2009
'Henpecked' is for real... My new White Crested Black Polish rooster is systematically having all feathers removed (especially his crest and tail) by the many hens in the coop and run. He's the only rooster... I will separate him, but should he be kept out of sight of the hens? Not considering making him my lunch, so what's the best direction?
He is one Polish among many (25) Black Austrolorps. They outweigh him considerably... I trimmed his head feathers because he simply couldn't see; he's much better off for that. But, the hens peck him mercilessly on top of the head, and in the last two days have removed all but one of his tail feathers...
Could be that he is ur only tophat chicken. That would be the obvious first guess, but I could be wrong. If it was me I would have 2 roo's to that many hens, but its not a necessity. Maybe put him in a cage so that they can still see him, until he matures a little more, depending on his age. You never stated his age. Give that a try, especially if he is new.
Thanks... I'll try your suggestion. I planned on penning him separately today if the rain stops for awhile; some suggest keeping him out of view of the hens, but I agree with you. If he is to be put back at some point, they need to see each other til then, right? He's the same age as the hens... all were shipped together last April 1st. I may also try to get another roo later.
I am having the same problem..except it is other Polish hens doing the defeathering. They did it so badly I found my beautiful boys tail bloodly from all the pecking! We had this problem when they were mixed in with other breeds, so we decided to seperate them (all polish together) thinking this would end it. But, the polish hens are just as bad as the others.
I have had tried everything under the sun, all kinds of sprays and oinments to keep them from the feather pulling and nothing worked. Then, I decided to try using a base of Crisco, mixed with menthol oil (like you but in a vaporizor) and I also added peppermint flavoring (like you use in frosting and such) and applied that to his tail and the top of his head (where they had also been pulling feathers). I am happy and releaved to say it worked! The hens HATE the stuff, and it stays on for about 24 hrs so I only have to reapply once a day. Now if I could just figure out WHY they do it and why he will LET them do it.

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