Hens and Roos together?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 1, 2008
Boonville, IN
I've read here that most people keep their hens and roos together. But if I want to make sure that my eggs are not fertilized shouldn't I keep them in separate sections of the coop and run? Then I can bring them together only when I want chicks???
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No question is stupid. If you leave a rooster in with your hens you will definately have fertilized eggs. If that's not what you want then keep them apart and you can always decide to put him back in if you want to hatch some chicks. The hens actually like having a rest from a rooster, the roosters can really tear up their feathers if they are very amourous.
Do people also eat fertilized eggs? Do they look any different when you crack them if caught early?
You could eat them but most people prefer not to. They do look different but if you catch them on the day they are laid not by much... it's hard to describe I'll see if I can find a pic.
A lot of us here do eat them, all the time.
The only difference is in a fertilized egg you can see the blastoid disk.

They taste the same as non fertile eggs.
You wont taste or see any difference unless you know what to look for on the blastodisc. There will be a circle around it, like a bullseye. My roosters stay with the flock all the time. If I want to incubate an egg, I will, otherwise they go in the carton in the fridge and no one knows any difference.
Unless someone points it out to you there is no way you will be able to tell the difference! It is a very very tiny dot on the yolk that is either solid (not fertilized) or it will form into a ring (fertile) Leave the roo in, it's easier and makes no difference, seriously

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